High Value Publishing Blog / Podcast
Each week, we post a blog / podcast episode to help media companies grow their audiences, drive revenue, and improve their technology. Topics include advertising, programmatic, SEO, social media, email, subscriptions, analytics, content distribution, and much more. No matter what kind of market you serve, each session has something that you can immediately apply to your business.
5 Ways to Significantly Cut Subscription Renewal Costs
Whether you run a paid or controlled magazine, subscription renewal is a significant expense. Here are five proven ways to reduce those costs.
8 Ways to Increase Digital Ad Revenue by 50% or More
The easiest way to grow digital ad revenue is to simplify everything, package and price better, and train your staff. Here are eight tactics to consider.
How to Sell $38K of Magazine Subscriptions in Just 10 Days
Learn how one publication recently sold over $38K of magazine subscriptions in just 10 days … and a step-by-step analysis of the strategy they used.
How Publishers Can Create a Successful Paid Subscription Model
Do you want a successful paid subscription model for your publication? Digital has changed everything about how subscriptions work. Learn what you must do.
Double Your Revenue with the Digital Sponsorship Model
For many publishers, a digital sponsorship model could be the game-changing strategy they need to break out of the CPM/CPC game and grow digital revenue.
Newspack – Google and WordPress Collaborate on a New CMS
When WordPress and Google team up to launch a new website CMS, all publishers should sit up and take notice. Here’s how Newspack might affect you.