What’s Ahead in 2024 for Media Companies
The digital media landscape continues to evolve. Here are the 6 most important issues that media companies will face in 2024.
7 Biggest Digital Ad Sales Mistakes
Eric Shanfelt and ad sales expert, Ryan Dohrn, show publishers how to avoid the 7 biggest mistakes sellers make when selling digital advertising.
Simplify Your Advertising Model to Drive More Revenue
If publishers want more ad revenue, they must resist the urge to add more products and instead simplify their advertising model. Here’s how to do it.
Is Google a Publisher Friend or Enemy #1?
Publishers need to evaluate their reliance on Google’s services and advice, and know that Google is looking out for its own best interests.
How to Sell Cobranded Social Media Advertising
Cobranded social media ads are a strong, 6-digit revenue stream that most publishers haven’t tapped into yet. It’s not difficult to implement and you only need a few social media followers to do it.
Improve Your Sponsored Emails with This Simple Template
This simple sponsored email template works great for readers, is easy to implement, improves advertiser response, and drives revenue for you.
Your Advertiser’s Bad Ad Campaign Alignment Is Hurting You
Advertisers blame publishers for poor ad performance. But the real problem is often poor campaign alignment with campaign objective, creative and metrics.
Q&A with Industry Dive CEO, Sean Griffey
Learn how Industry Dive built an audience of 2.5 million email subscribers and over $100 million in annual revenue.
How to Launch Audience Extension Advertising
With audience extension advertising you buy digital ad inventory from programmatic partners, remarket to your audience as they visit select websites, and then resell that inventory through your own ad […]
Want to Grow Magazine Revenue? Get Rid of the Rate Card
Magazine rate cards are relics from the print-only era. Replace them with total spend discounting and grow both print and digital revenue.